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Welcome to Facilitation Stories, where we discover how facilitators ended up in the profession, and how facilitation methods, principles and techniques are used more widely. Brought to you by IAF England and Wales. For more information on our chapter, click here.

Mar 22, 2020

These are challenging times for facilitators - in this bonus episode, we hear insights from Jonathan Bannister, Paolo Martinez, Koren Stark, Claudia, and Grant Cockerell.
If you need the links to the meetup pages, head over to  - remember that these meetups are great ways of learning informally from each other, through conversation.

And if you're looking for more structured learning events, there are quite a few out there now, for example Martin Gilbraith and Judy Rees are running a workshop on Tues 24th March on Promoting Inclusion in Online Facilitation   

1 April, IAF Global is organising a webinar, on
"COVID 19 is impacting your business? How about Digital Facilitation as an alternative"
and Paul Nunesda is putting that together

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