Mar 22, 2020
These are challenging times for facilitators - in this bonus
episode, we hear insights from Jonathan Bannister, Paolo Martinez,
Koren Stark, Claudia, and Grant Cockerell.
If you need the links to the meetup pages, head over to -
remember that these meetups are great ways of learning informally
from each other, through conversation.
And if you're looking for more structured learning events, there
are quite a few out there now, for example Martin Gilbraith and
Judy Rees are running a workshop on Tues 24th March on Promoting
Inclusion in Online Facilitation
1 April, IAF Global is organising a webinar, on
"COVID 19 is impacting your business? How about Digital
Facilitation as an alternative"
and Paul Nunesda is putting that together
Tell us you're listening! Twitter: @Fac_stories @IAFEnglandWales;
use #iafpodcast
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