Apr 13, 2020
In today's episode, Helene talks to Celeste Brito and Camilla
Gordon about their experiences of being mentees as part of the IAF
Global Mentorship Programme.
You can find out more about it here:
In the introduction, Pilar mentions the next IAF Learning Online Meetup - you can register here: https://www.meetup.com/IAF-facilitators-and-friends/events/268954892/
You can find the links to all the IAF England Wales Meetup Groups here: https://www.iaf-world.org/site/chapters/england-wales
To start with, we hear from Gianpietro Pucciariello
Twitter @gpinuk
09.45mins Helene talks to Celeste Brito about her experience of
being mentored by Penny Walker.
Twitter: @britoc01
21.55mins Helene talks to Camilla Gordon about who might benefit
most from being mentored
You can hear more from Camilla in episode 11, and follow her on
Twitter @camillagordon
Hosts' Twitter handles: @HeleneJewell @PilarOrti
Show: @Fac_Stories @IAFEnglandWales; use